So your imagination is overrun with characters you’ve dreamt up, and you know exactly the kind of adventures they’d go on, but you’re just stuck. You know you want to tell their stories, but you have no idea where to start. Sounds perfect to us. Story Squad’s fun and innovative AI was designed to write your stories, no matter how wild your imagination is. It’s easy to get started with just a few steps.

- Choose a genre to set the stage for your story.
What type of story are you going to tell? Will it be an epic adventure or a who-done-it mystery? A whimsical children’s story or a terrifying horror story? The genre or type of story you choose will inform other decisions, like the plot of your story and the characters, so choose carefully!
1a. Choose a genre, theme, and tone to set the stage for your story.
Once you’ve chosen a genre, you’ll want to hone in on your story’s theme or central idea. Is your story about friendship, two pals hiking the world’s tallest mountain, or good vs. evil with heroes triumphing over villains? Choosing a theme for your story helps our AI know what turns the story could take and which it shouldn’t.
Finally, you’ll select the tone of your story, which is essentially the emotional undertone. Stories about friendship can have a joyful tone, while mysteries may have a fearful or suspenseful tone. The tone you select will influence the way our AI tells your story.
- Introduce your characters.
Funny and loud, or shy and serious? Punk rock hair or clean-cut? Tell us everything you know about your characters. Don’t forget their names, how old they are, and any unique facts, like their passion for bologna sandwiches or how they always sing when they’re nervous.
- Decide where your character’s story takes place.
Will your story take place in outer space, under the sea, or in a futuristic world only you could dream up? Don’t forget the setting should also include when the story is happening, anything from medieval times to the year 4050.
- Give your story a title.
Along with your cover art, this will be the first thing readers in the Squad see about your story. Make your title interesting enough that they want to give your story a read!
- Go wild! Or don’t, you decide.
Select how wild you want our AI to make your story on a scale of 1-10. 1 will be a straightforward story, and 10 will be a lot more, well, WILD.
- Share your story wide and far!
Within seconds, our AI will have written your story, complete with beautiful cover art. Share it with everyone you know! They’ll be so impressed with you, you brilliant storyteller!